The Jin Saga 2: Chapter 2 – Seclusion

Gritting his teeth, the unleashed embodiment of evil focused for a moment, gathering up enough energy to shoot out a powerful destructive blast from his third eye, hitting multiple trees in a line in the process and starting up a fire. Upon sensing the threat of such a monster in their homeland, birds, squirrels, and any other animals in the area fled in fear.

The Devil paused momentarily after the blast and shook his head as he re-gathered his strength. Then he sensed the fear of the other animals, and he smiled, baring his fangs to no one. He gleefully watched the fire spread, eating up the life around it in a fury. A high-pitched laugh escaped him as he reveled in his own power.

Let me out.

Upon hearing a foreign voice in his head the next morning, Jin awoke to find the destroyed forest, looking as if it had been hit by a tornado. He couldn’t remember doing it, but all the same, he knew what had happened. He stared at his own hand in fearful shame. The last thing he remembered was the shockwave of power that had overwhelmed him. He thought of the voice he’d just heard but realized he couldn’t make out the words.

“At this rate, I’ll lose myself entirely,” he muttered aloud.

He thought long and hard. Where should he go? He didn’t want to stay in this part of Japan. The thought of returning to Australia occurred to him but was quickly dismissed. That was not an option. There were too many people who could get hurt if he lost control again. He needed a secluded location. Upon realizing that, he could think of only one place: Yakushima.

Perhaps it would help clear his head to be so close to where he once spent days with his mother, the very symbol of what had brought him back to his senses the night before. The more he thought about it, the more sense it made.

He returned to his hotel and packed up his belongings. In the process, he heard news blaring on the television of Heihachi Mishima’s death and saw it declared in newspapers as well. “Too good to be true,” a malicious voice ever so faintly stated in the depths of Jin’s mind. Jin’s stomach turned uncomfortably. That was the first time he’d ever clearly heard the evil within speak. Devil said no more, and Jin did not prod him in the hopes that if he somehow ignored or refused to acknowledge the thing, he would stay down in the depths of his mind.

Jin no longer viewed Heihachi’s death as something he wanted, but the matter was no longer of concern to him, true or not. Somebody had taken control of the Mishima Zaibatsu behind the scenes though no one knew anything more than that. Jin found it peculiar but he unwittingly considered it to be the least of his concerns. The main thing he needed now was some peace and quiet to himself.

Devil contentedly kept quiet for the moment to let Jin continue believing he’d taken the right course. He could and hear and see through Jin at the moment. The idea of getting some quality time alone with the host enticed him. It was a chance to warp Jin’s psyche all the more now that the young man could finally hear his voice no matter how much Jin didn’t want to admit that. This was going to be fun.