Chapter 5 – Rival

During Jin’s summer break, he went with Heihachi and a select set of employees of the Mishima Zaibatsu, including a unit of the Tekken Force, to Korea. Jin had occasionally traveled around the world with Heihachi ever since coming under his grandfather’s care, depending on if Heihachi’s business trips coincided with Jin’s school vacations.

At one point on the trip, Jin traversed the streets of Korea, accompanying five members from the Tekken Force unit. Jin wore a yellow leather jacket with black trim, his fighting gloves, black leather pants with red trim, and tall black boots. The soldiers from the Tekken Force were decked out in their usual armor and helmets.

Eventually, they walked into an area where two young men stood conversing with a third with fiery red hair that went by the name Hwoarang. Hwoarang was the only name this third young man was known by since he never gave any other to anyone. He sat in a parked motorcycle, wearing a sleeveless blue shirt, jeans, black chaps, and goggles on his forehead that pushed his fiery hair out of the way of his eyes.

The other two young men were part of Hwoarang’s fraud team, and Hwoarang himself was the leader. The three made some good money together by using a scam where they’d challenge other groups, stack the odds against themselves, and then Hwoarang, the gambling dealer who arranged the fights, would make a seemingly foolish bet and participate himself. Hwoarang had defeated each and every opponent that came his way. He had a perfect record with this scam and was quite proud of it.

Hwoarang caught sight of the group from the Mishima Zaibatsu. “Hey!” he called out to catch their attention, recognizing that they were fit for his challenge.

The group turned their heads to see Hwoarang and the two other young men. Hwoarang smirked at them arrogantly. He lifted his right leg over from his seat to stand up and walked over to the group. He was followed by the other two young men, who stood a few paces behind him. He looked over the group of five soldiers and apparently a sixth person that was mostly hidden from view save for some black hair. The sixth person, evidently, was not one of the soldiers but still part of the group.

Hwoarang gestured with his thumb pointing toward his chest. “I’m Hwoarang.” He spread out his arms wide as he said with a sly smile, offering up the words, “Might I interest you boys in a little game?”

“Maybe. What’s the game?” asked one of the soldiers though he and the others knew that the game would certainly involve a street fight of some kind. Being that they were all fighters, they were certainly up for it.

Hwoarang pointed at the six from the Mishima Zaibatsu, motioning his hand from left to right as he said, “All of you,” he then lowered his hand, “against my team here,” he gestured to indicate his two other members. He smiled and listed a sum of money to wager.

The soldiers all looked at each other and generally nodded in agreement. They accepted Hwoarang’s challenge.

The first soldier from the Tekken Force and the first of Hwoarang’s team stepped up to fight. The soldier won with fair ease. The second young man from Hwoarang’s team stepped up to fight next and managed to knock out the soldier. The second soldier stepped in and knocked out the second young man from Hwoarang’s team.

Hwoarang whistled as if he were quite impressed though he really wasn’t. “Wow, you guys are pretty good…but still, are you any match for me?” He grinned eagerly and raised the stakes.

Again, the Tekken Force soldiers nodded at each other and agreed.

Hwoarang defeated one after the other with fair ease until he finally caught sight of the sixth guy he’d only glimpsed, a young Japanese man that looked close to Hwoarang’s age.

“Looks like it’s down to just you and me,” Hwoarang pointed at Jin and then lightly stroked his nose with his thumb once. “What’s your name, man?”

“Jin Kazama,” Jin replied.

“Well, Kazama, are you ready for me?”

Jin blinked and then adjusted the glove on his right hand. He placed his hand on his hip for a moment, tilted his head back slightly and then said simply, “Come.”

Hwoarang smiled. This guy was going to be a little different than the others, not just in how he dressed, wasn’t he?

Hwoarang threw a punch in Jin’s direction, but Jin stepped to the side and then threw an uppercut that launched Hwoarang upwards. He followed it with three consecutive hits. Hwoarang immediately stood back up, a bit riled. He sent out a long string of kicks and punches. Jin was able to block some but not all and took a few hits. However, when Hwoarang was done, Jin launched him yet again followed by a few punches. Again, they exchanged some blows, and it became evident to them both that they were evenly matched. On and on they relentlessly fought each other…but it was to no avail.

They both reached a point where they could barely stand. Neither could carry on or give a final blow.

It was a draw.

Hwoarang gritted his teeth in frustration. A stain on his perfect record. “This isn’t over, Kazama,” he said amidst tired breaths. “You and I…from now on, we’re rivals…and we will fight again…promise me a rematch.” Hwoarang was ashamed and determined that he would train everyday so that this would never happen again.

Jin looked back at Hwoarang. This fight didn’t have nearly the same level of meaning for him but still…it had been…interesting and challenging. He nodded in agreement. “Promise,” was all he said.

The two walked wearily to their respective groups and parted ways.